Friday, December 07, 2007

Christmas Trees!

O.K. here I am bloggin about me again. You know, I have a real hard time with artificial Christmas trees. It just does not sound very festive to say "lets get the tree down from the attic". Or better yet, those people who pull their tree out of a closet already decorated, and the day after Christmas they slide it back in the closet.

I have had a "live" tree since I was a child. My husband grew up with a silver tinsel tree. My husband and I made several promises when we got married. When we got engaged he made me promise we would have a "live" tree. That was GREAT with me. I do not know if I could have married him if he wanted a silver tinsel Christmas tree.

Each year we pile in the car and head out to find the perfect Frasier Fur ( there is no other kind of Christmas tree). Our bodies are frozen but after about 30 mins to an hour we find the perfect green tree.

Now, it is quite a comical site at our house on tree decorating day. There is frustation with lights,(I keep extra just in case) boxes of ornaments to get down from storage and endless needles. I have taught my son the proper way to hang a bulb and how to decorate a tree (we do not throw tinsel on a tree). We have millons of ornaments since I have been collecting them for 30 years. Andrew (my son) has his own personal collection of Star Wars ornaments. So............with so many ornaments it usually takes about 4 to 5 hours to get it completed. You can imagine my husbands mental state at the end of the process.

But, when we get up the next morning to see and smell the tree it feels like Christmas. You know Christmas includes traditions and this is our tradition. And as crazy as it sounds we love it. Each year I ask my husband and son if they want an artificial tree and they just look at me and laugh. They have forgotten the frustration of the previous year and look forward to another tree decorating adventure.

What are your traditions? Please share. Even you non-bloggers can share.
