Sunday, February 22, 2009


Yes, here is a fun little post about my son Andrew. Ya know, Andrew does not sit in my lap anymore or run into my arms to tell me he loves me. He, being the ripe old age of 18, usually greets me with "Hey mom, whats for dinner, I am hungry."

But Andrew has his own special way of taking care of me and telling me he loves me. He takes care of my cell phone. Yes, my cell phone charged and ready to go is Andrews way of saying"hey mom, I love you." You see I rarely use my cell phone anymore. Sometimes, I do not even know where it is. But Andrew does. Yes, this morning I came downstairs and there was my cell phone plugged up, charged and ready to go. How he does it I do not know. But he is genuinely concerned for my phone. I guess he just wants to make sure that if he needs me I am only a phone call away. So he keeps me connected. I just love this about him. His job is to take care of my phone. It is very sweet. But do not tell him.

By the way he has been invited to be a part of the Honors Society at Samford. He is in the top 20 of his class and has a 3.9 GPA. Hmmm..........I guess I am a proud mom.
