Thursday, August 10, 2006

Scrapbook Styles

Hey Guys,

Normally I am not a Chatty Cathy on the web blog (can you tell). I do still keep in touch with my best friend from High School. She quit writing me letters long ago. I never replied back. I love talking to someone in person or on the phone but hate typing and writing. So I call her every 3 months or so and we talk for hours, literally hours.

But lately I have been thinking about scrapbook styles. What is your style? It seems to me styles change as product changes. Years ago all we had was solid color card stock, stickers, and pens. Then we went through the period of embellishments. Lots of embellishments. Now it is Freestyle. I wonder............

My style has changed over time. I am a very artistic person. But over the years have not challenged the artist in me. Rhonna Ferrer reminded me that if you do not use your talent it is hard to pick it back up. It seems to die out. conclusion is that I am still finding my style. My artistic side is coming back out. I wonder what I will find. Some of us scrapbook because we want to leave something behind for our family but there is some art involved also.

I know Maelynn will always be doodling on her pages. Alissa will probably never doodle. Both have their style. And both very talented. I hope to find my style. I am still a work in progress. Maybe some of you are also. We can find our styles together.

This is Chatty India OVER and OUT!