Sunday, February 18, 2007

Special Days!

Hey Guys,

I love special days. Today was a special day. It was my husbands 49th birthday (yes, I married a younger man). Our church gave him a surprise party. They are fun people who helped provide a very special day. Yes, I did take pictures. Scrapbooking makes taking pictures so......much fun. I think I see a mini-album in my future.

We have some special days coming up at Scrapbook Mania. I hope they will be days you will always remember. We will be taking pictures at Maniac Madness and posting them on the web. I am taking them for all of you who are not able to attend. At least you will receive a glimpse of the fun.

I am hoping to see the UPS man tomorrow. Hopefully he will bring our Basic Grey. I will let you know what arrives and try to post pictures.

By the way, Misti will be teaching 2 classes on March 17th. She will be reprising her Canvas Class and a Mini-License Plate Album. Each class in $15 plus materials. You can call the store and sign up




Cheryl Wray 9:11 AM  

Happy Birthday to your hubby!!! (My dad's bday is Feb. 18 too!!)
Can't wait for the calendar class tonight! Gonna be fun!